The Danger With "Your Truth"

Almost True  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  24:07
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The Danger With “Your Truth”

For several weeks God has had it on my heart to do a series that would help us to be more aware of some of the crazy things that are popular to believe in today’s world. I am still praying about what that series will look like and exactly what God wants me to teach. As I was doing some research on the matter I came across a recent Life Church series that is similar in topic. The series is called “Almost True.”
This series talks about common cultural beliefs. In fact you are very likely to have heard these things, even around here. This series will be a great primer for some of the newer emerging beliefs that I hope to talk about soon.
To kick this series off we are going to talk about truth. Let’s start by playing a little game. It’s a silly little game, but I am going to tell you three things about myself and only two of them will be true. Can you tell which one is a lie? I know I will be lying in church, but I am doing it for the glory of God. As Craig Groeschel says, it’s okay when it’s for a sermon illustration.
Most people who enjoy Science Fiction started out with movies or TV shows like Star Trek. My love for Sci-Fi started with a video game. I didn’t even like shows like Star Trek.
One day when I was in grade school I walked into class to see everyone huddled around a pair of my underwear that was laying on the floor.
I was approached about becoming a youth minister before I graduated High School and worked as a youth minister in Hobart throughout college, then in OKC after I graduated.
Before we jump in to today’s scripture, let’s pray.

What Is Truth?

That is the same question Pontius Pilate asked Jesus when the Jewish leaders brought Him to be executed. Pilate was questioning Jesus’ motives when he asked, “what is truth?”
John 18:37–38 (NIV)
37 “… the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” 38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate…
This is the most important question that we need to answer, especially in our culture today. What is truth? If you are taking notes, here is our working definition of truth…
Truth is absolute, constant, and true for everyone, everywhere, all the time.
Yet, many people confuse TRUTH with PERSPECTIVE. Truth is absolute. Perspectives vary. They are different. If we confuse truth with our perspective we may begin to think that truth can be subjective. We start to believe that truth changes over time. If truth can be subjective and it changes over time, then your truth may be different than mine. What’s true to me isn’t true to you. Since your truth is unique to you, YOU determine “your” truth.
If something sounds right to you or if it feels right, it must be true. If you believe that your truth is unique to you, then you will say things like “Speak your truth. Live your truth. Own your truth. Your truth is your power. Your truth is who you really are.” Confusing truth with perspective makes it subjective. Subjective truth becomes “your truth.”
What if “your truth” is a trap?
I’m sure you’ve heard someone say, “This feels right. This seems right to me.” Truth teaches us something completely different.
Proverbs 14:12 NLT
12 There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.
Just because something SEEMS RIGHT doesn’t make it true. This path of living “your truth” is the big lie of the enemy in our culture today and many crazy false religions are built on this lie.
I can’t remember his name, but I saw a part of a video of a guy who has some very far out and insane beliefs. In the video I saw he was holding a Q&A session and a young kid who was searching for truth asked him a question and his answer was, “Whatever makes you happy, pursue it with all of your energy.” How much more horrible advice could you give a young boy. In some of the comments people were saying things like, “I did this and now I’m in rehab.” or “Now I have four kids.”
There is a path before everyone that seems right, but that doesn’t make it true. It ends in death. I told you two truths about me, now let’s look at two truths about Truth…

1. Just because you believe something, doesn’t make it true.

For example, for centuries everyone believed the Earth was flat. They were afraid they could fall off the edge. Then people started learning more about the planet we live on and they discovered that the Earth is not flat. It’s actually round. Recently, some people have discovered that the earth is actually flat because it seems right.
Imagine that you are about to take flight in a big plane. Suddenly a guy walks on the plane and grabs the mic to make the announcement that he “feels” like a pilot today. You ask, “Have you ever flown?” “No, but I feel like I’m a pilot. This is my truth. I believe I’m a pilot, therefore I am a pilot.” How many of you are staying on that airplane?
Just because you believe something, doesn’t make it true. The things you have experienced in life matter. Your story matters. But what you have experienced, what you feel, what seems right, doesn’t equate to ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Just because we feel like something is right deep down in our heart, doesn’t make it true. We can’t chase after what makes us happy and follow our heart because our heart doesn’t have absolute truth in mind. In fact, our heart is far more likely to lie to us…
Jeremiah 17:9 NLT
9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?
When we let our feelings determine our truth we are tin trouble because our feelings lie. When you cut me off in traffic, I feel like pulling you over and praying with you about what you did wrong because MY TRUTH is that you cut me off. Just because it feels right doesn’t mean that it is right. If you think about it, it is easy to see how believing in “My Truth” is actually very dangerous. If truth isn’t constant, if truth is relative, we start to believe…
The Danger With “Your Truth”
There are no absolute truths that apply to all people.
Morality becomes subjective because right and wrong are relative.
My perception determines what’s true.
I am the source of truth.
If it’s true to me, you can’t question “my truth.”
I have “my truth” and everybody else has there own truth, therefore there can be no absolute truths that apply to everyone. That would derail the whole thing. If everyone has their own truth and does what seems right to them, then there can be no universal moral codes. What’s right and wrong must be subjective. Since “my truth” is based on my perspective, my perception is what defines truth. Therefore I am the source of truth, and if it is true to me you have no right to question “my truth.”
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul warned us about the dangers of false beliefs. He starts out by defining truth…
2 Timothy 4:2 (NLT)
2 Preach the word of God
Not feelings or opinions. Not your perspective. He told Timothy to preach truth. The word of God, which never changes…
2 Timothy 4:2–4 (NLT)
2 Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. 3 For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
That’s why we look for people who will tell us what we want to hear. It’s much easier to stomach what we want to hear than what we need to hear. “My truth” changes based on what I am willing to hear, God’s truth doesn’t change based on our ability to stomach it.

What we want to hear is often different from what we need to hear.

I want to hear that I have the right to be angry. I am the victim. After what they did, they should pay.
I need to hear is the teachings of Jesus that says I should forgive. That I should forgive as I have been forgiven.
I want to hear it’s my body, so I can do what I want.
I need to hear that the truth is that my body belongs to God. My body is to be holy and set apart for His glory.
I want to hear that what I do in my private time is my business and it’s not hurting anyone. It’s better than what other people do.
I need to hear that it’s a sin and the the Adversary is using moments of isolation to numb me and rob the joy, hope, and peace of God from me. That secret sins will cost me the things I value the most.
I want to hear that it’s not my fault. That’s just the way I am. I can’t change.
I need to hear that what I have experienced doesn’t determine who I am. That my feelings don’t define me. That absolute truth exists and God absolutely loves me and wants a relationship with me.
What we want to hear is often different from what we need to hear. The first truth is that just because something seems right because you believe it, doesn’t make it true. Second…

2. Truth isn’t just something we believe; truth is someone we follow.

When Tomas asked Jesus where He was going, Jesus' answer was this…
John 14:6 ESV
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus didn’t say “I am ‘A’ Truth.” He said “I am THE truth.” This is where people tend to get really upset with Christianity. They don’t mind talking about the love of Jesus. They don’t mind so much that Jesus loves sinners. They like that He healed lepers and cared for the least. They like all of that. What they don’t like is the EXCLUSIVITY.
No one comes to the Father except through ME.” People don’t like that Jesus said that. That stands against “my truth.” “I can define my own truth, so anyone who claims to know TRUTH is either arrogant or dangerous! No one has the right to tell me what to do!
Jesus is TRUTH. He is God’s Word made flesh. If what I feel, think, want, believe is contrary to God’s Word it is NOT TRUE. It’s a lie! People don’t like that. No one wants to hear that what they feel is true is actually a lie, but if what I believe is not true there is only one thing I can do…
If Jesus’ truth is different from what you believe, then die to “your truth” and live according to the truth.
Just because I feel like getting drunk, cussing someone out, and acting out doesn’t make it true. If I’m doing something that is not God’s will (lying, being selfish, prideful, judgmental, lustful, hurting someone, or whatever) Jesus calls me to die to “my truth” and live according to THE truth.
The truth is that Jesus was innocent. Pilate knew Jesus had done nothing wrong, but the Jews wanted to live “their truth.” Pilate wasn’t the most popular guy and he was afraid of the crowd, so he asks…
John 18:38–40 NIV
38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him. 39 But it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Do you want me to release ‘the king of the Jews’?” 40 They shouted back, “No, not him! Give us Barabbas!” Now Barabbas had taken part in an uprising.
Who was Barabbas? He was a criminal. A liar. Thief. Murderer. Pilate asks the crowd who they want released. Do you want Jesus the Truth? Or Barabbas the Liar? The crowd chose Barabbas. The crowd chose the Liar. The thief. The murderer. These are all names that the Devil are known by. He comes comes to steal, kill, and destroy by promising “your truth.”
The crowd still yells the same thing today. “We don’t want THE truth, give me MY TRUTH!” Why did Pilate release Barabbas? It’s what the crowd wanted. The crowd wants the liar, the crowd must be right. Pilate did the same thing that we do. When you think about it, it makes sense…
Jesus is TRUTH. Truth can be confrontational. Truth can be difficult to hear. Truth doesn’t change, but it often requires you to change.
A lie is easier to deal with. A lie tells you that you’re fine. A lie is more convenient. A lie is more comfortable.
That’s why believing “your truth” is so appealing! Your truth allows you to do whatever you want! Just like the crowd. That’s why they chose Barabbas. Barabbas makes us feel better about ourselves.
But TRUTH isn’t just something we believe. Truth is a person! Jesus is the truth. He is the loving truth. He is the life-changing truth. He is the truth that doesn’t condemn. He is the truth that sets people free.
John 8:32 ESV
32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
There is a path that seems right, but it leads to death. Just because it seems right and you believe it, doesn’t make it true. Truth isn’t just something we believe, Truth is someone we follow.
If Jesus’ truth is different than what you feel, what you want, or what you believe, then you must die to “your truth” and live according to “THE TRUTH.”
Jesus is the truth. The truth may go against what you feel, but Jesus sets you free!
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